Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - MDDIAI RK) is the Implementing Agency for the Project. The MDDIAI is responsible for supervising overall project implementation and providing strategic oversight of the implementation of key Project activities.

A Project Steering Committee (PSC) is established for organized implementation of the Project. PMU works under the overall guidance of the PSC composed of members of the main entities facilitating implementation of the project.

The functions and composition of the PSC are approved by relevant order of the MDDIAI Minister. The scope of work of the PSC, among others, includes: 

1) approval of the Project Operations Manual, annual plans for project activities, project budget, and Procurement Plan of the Project;

2) analysis and evaluation of the Project implementation based on monitoring indicators, as well as regular review of project M&E data to determine progress and make adjustments for MDDIAI's consideration to ensure satisfactory achievement of the end of the project outcomes;

3) review of the Project progress, monitoring of the reforms in the field of innovations and strategic decisions on the Project implementation on the basis of the information provided by Working body;

4) review of the issues on improving the Project implementation, including coordination between stakeholders and consensus building on issues related to the implementation of the Project;

5) providing the strategic management for MDDIAI.  The PSC must be composed of, inter alia, representatives of the Department of Finance of the MDDIAI, Legal Department of the MDDIAI, Director of the PMU chaired by the Vice-Minister of the MDDIAI in charge of the Project implementation.

The Working Body of the Project is the Innovation Ecosystem and Scientific-Technical Development Department (IESTDD) of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MDDIAI RK), which acts as the working body on implementation and execution of the decisions of the PSC, as well as be held responsible for the operational and financial management of the Project to ensure the diffusion of the relevant experience and results gained during the Project implementation across NIS RK.